Nuance dragon mac

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When I click on the 'Search App Store' button, I receive an error stating:

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Download the latest version from the App Store. This version is not compatible with Big Sur. When I launch Logic Pro, I receive the following errors, which are shown in the screenshots below: I have been through the product through as many updates as I can remember, since -again I cannot remember, but I think the early 2010s- and have had no issues with climbing version numbers. My current version of Logic Pro is 9.1.8. While migrating from my old iMac, I expected some apps to not function crossing from High Sierra to Big Sur, and Logic is one of those that did not. I am using the following hardware and OS now: Upgrading from version number to version number has always been free, just like it is for Final Cut Pro (having gone from the old layout to the new Final Cut Pro X) and Compressor, which are currently fully up to date. I have had a purchased copy of Logic Pro since.

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Logic Pro Version Upgrades No Longer Free? This was briefly covered but not fully answered in a previous thread, and when I tried to interact with the thread, I was told to start a new question, so here goes:

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